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A Growing Commitment

Our Sustainable Purpose

Ewan Pack’s mission is to improve our customers’ net income through our products and services. We do so via three value levers: Increasing our customers’ sales, reducing our customers’ overall costs, and improving our customers’ productivity. Sustainability underpins each of these concentrations and thus is at the heart of every product and service we offer.

Because Ewan Pack does not manufacture packaging components, our product offerings are not limited by material or technology platforms. Unburdened by manufacturing assets, we provide our clients with unbiased, fact-based sustainability consultation and a virtually unlimited palette of packaging options. We pledge to provide our clients with the broadest array of sustainable packaging options, fulsome decision inputs, and to assist them in making packaging choices that optimally balance maximized application performance and minimal environmental impact.

Our Commitment Towards Sustainability
Environmental Social Governance

We will do our part to fight climate change by minimizing our environmental impact and offering sustainability-focused products and services to our clients across all end-use markets and geographies.

We are committed to a more sustainable world, starting with our own business practices. From our products to our operations, we will continually reduce our environmental impact. We aim to foster a sustainability-minded culture, prioritizing relationships with suppliers who share our sustainability focus.

We pledge to promote a culture of sustainability throughout the packaging value chain, from our customers to our suppliers, within our teams, and in the local communities in which we operate.

Ewan Pack’s success as a global packaging leader depends on our ability to serve a wide range of markets and geographies. Diversity and inclusion are critical enablers of our business model and our commitment to these values is unwavering – across all of our work around the world.

We strive to create sustainable growth by promoting the values of integrity and respect, and by earning trust with all our internal and external stakeholders alike.

Our history of unparalleled growth is primarily due to the strength and longevity of our relationships with our people, our customers, and our suppliers. These critical relationships are premised upon and fostered by our adherence to ethical business practices and our belief that the health and security of our stakeholders must always be our highest priority.

Our Sustainability Goals
Innovation & Circularity

Double our number of sustainable product launches every year.

Continue our excellent customer health and safety legacy with zero product recalls.

Energy Efficiency & Decarbonization

By 2030, reduce our Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions by 25% based on 2022 baseline by monitoring energy usage, implementing reduction initiatives, and transitioning to renewable energy sources.

Waste Reduction & Diversion

Our goal is to certify twenty of our strategic warehouses with Zero-Waste certifications by 2030.

Biodiversity & Community Engagement

Our goal is to actively engage our employees in participating in one to two community activities to conserve, protect, or restore strategic local ecosystems on a yearly basis.

Our Journey

Cultural and marketing trends are fleeting. Facts are not. Our goal of creating long-term value via sustainability starts with critical fact-based analyses, followed by establishing specific actionable goals, and finally accountability in reporting progress against those goals.

Sustainability Assessment and Materiality ESG Priorities and Action Plan Communication and Reporting

In addition to analyzing ESG trends in the packaging sector we have engaged in a materiality assessment to help us identify the issues most critical to us and our stakeholders.

Using our materiality assessment as a lens, we have aligned ourselves and our efforts to address the issues most salient to Ewan Pack and our stakeholders. This prioritization drives our corporate sustainability strategy and informs our action plans.

Our ESG communication and reporting are rooted in transparency and accountability. Wherever possible we will establish quantitative baselines, set substantiable improvement goals, and report our progress toward those goals to our stakeholders.

Ewan Pack is committed to promoting a sustainability culture along the whole

packaging value chain, triggering innovative initiatives and projects.

Sustainability Context

The packaging industry has evolved. As the market for standard packaging matured, material and manufacturing efficiencies have done so as well, limiting growth opportunities for those firms competing solely on the dimension of cost minimization. Today, the strongest and most sustainable competitive advantages come via intangible assets like innovation, engaged employees, resource stewardship, and strong value chain relationships. We believe that it has been our emphasis on developing these assets that has allowed us to grow at a rate many times faster than the packaging industry.

Studies show that customer satisfaction, environmental stewardship, and sustainable policies are associated with higher stock returns when a company focuses on core sustainable material issues.

We see three key factors driving sustainability into the business landscape:

Our Commitment Towards Sustainability
Consumer Regulatory Regulatory

Consumer sentiment is the strongest factor driving change. According to a 2020 report by Boston Consulting Group, 74% of consumers say they will pay more for sustainable packaging.

Driven to action by consumers, governments around the world are enacting legislation requiring firms to develop and operate under sustainable business models, monitor and disclose ESG performance, and drive improvements in resource utilization and waste management.

Investors are seeking investments that have a robust ESG platform. 39% of European investors include ESG criteria in their investment choices and, according to McKinsey, an overall positive ESG rating imparts a 10% premium on enterprise value.

We Provide Sustainable Packaging Solutions to Our Customers